Monday, October 6, 2014

Week Five - Witches


Practical Magic is one of my favorite movies and after seeing it on the List of movies I instantly picked it out to watch. The rather funny part is that Nichole Kidman is in it and todays reading was Aunt Maria by Diana Wynne Jones. What do those two people have in common? I'll get to that...

On Aunt Maria....
Aunt Maria was a creepy old bitch. She wanted nothing to do with moving on with the times anywhere anyhow. she was appalled at women leading a more 'male' lifestyle'. She was set in her old ways and it really pissed me off. I grew up (1-9) in a household where children should be seen and not heard so this novel did not really sit well with me. (which is probably also why I chose not to finish it.) The Character Aunt Maria was a witch, hence the practical magic (1 Nichole ref ) in which two sisters deal with some magic interrupting their lives; but Aunt Maria also had a sort of Stepford Wives take on it except that it was more like Stepford sons and fathers and some freaky clone orphan kids locked away in some creepy ass house. The families were drone like and all the women did was have tea parties. it was super creepy to even think that this old woman did even think there was anything wrong with how she treated people. Stepford wives, was my second link to Nichole Kidman.
 And lets not forget about Bette Midler ( who also plays a badass witch in Hocus Pocus!)

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